UI/UX Case Study TireRepair Man

2 min readJan 6, 2021

Hi folks,
It has been a long time since uploading hand strokes,

It’s time now for me to come back again to be a creative content writer according to netizens, they say.

This time I will tell you about UI / UX Design. In short, it’s a new and popular branch of science today. talking about UI / UX Design, actually this branch of knowledge existed in ancient times when it was still called HCI or Human computer interaction. As the times developed, the name was changed to make it more popular and easily recognized among humans or the community.

UI / UX Design is a combined branch of science from Psychology, Anthropology, Visual Communication Design, Information Engineering or Information Systems, Why is that?

Because UI / UX Design is a science that deals with human interaction through technological visualization techniques. In short, UI is related to the user interface that is related to humans to be able to interact through technology or whatever. The techniques used include creative person, design thingking, design visualization, color aesthetic, typography design, design rules, etc. “This is related to design science.

Meanwhile, the UX side relates to human behavior and experience in using or operating goods / technology. The skills that a UX must have are empathy, research analysis, problem solving, critical thinking and having innovative ideas.

For example
I am here to make a simple project and research on an online tire repairer case study.

Why should a tire repairer online?

Yes, because everyone knows, times are constantly evolving and technology is also growing rapidly. With the existence of technology, the process of digitization has become rampant to be applied in various corners and sectors of human life.
(Do not let the technological developments of work or professions that are classified as past be displaced or even disappear or become extinct)

To overcome this, it is better to modify it in terms of profession and technology.

In the process of smoothing my research, this time I used the subject, Mr. Kasturi, who has been an online tire repairer for 4–5 years in the Yogyakarta area.

From here I do an analysis of Mr. Kasturi regarding the problems he has faced.

After doing the analysis I immediately did an idea to provide a temporary solution.

Maybe for more details regarding this case study, you can continue reading my portfolio via this link : https://www.behance.net/gallery/110781141/Tire-Repairman-UIUX-Case-Study

Besides that, maybe my friends also want to see my other portfolio work, you can visit it via this link: https://dribbble.com/YerikhoRistian29




Hi Introduce me yerikho ristian. I have a mission and dream to become an UI / UX Design in 2021. I just want to be true to my choice.