UI/UX Case Study SmartMoney For Student

2 min readJan 19, 2021


Hi Folks

Welcome to the case study lesson from my current research.

This time, I did research on a smart money transaction application that is specifically used by college students or students to meet the needs of paying school fees or lectures.

In this case study, I use my own subject with objects based on user empathy to provide solutions to students & other students or educational institutions

Long story short, this case study is taken from the point of view of the direct user subject.

Short scenario
“A student named Yerikho Ristian who continued his studies at a university which was not too popular with the world of technological developments. One time he was in the village because he was on semester holidays. During his vacation in the village he got sudden news from his classmates to immediately pay the semester bills. only for the next 5 hours.With his position in the village, it is certainly impossible to immediately return to Oslo or his university to pay immediately.

How could Jericho handle this?

Then to overcome this there are several possible ways to provide solutions to existing problems.

1. Go straight to Oslo or university (impossible)
2. Transfer bills with an ATM machine (impossible) because it was impossible because the conditions in the village were blackouts and heavy rains
3. Asking for help from a friend to pay first (maybe) but it doesn’t guarantee that friends have a lot of money too and of course it’s a hassle
4. Using smart money transaction applications. (very likely)

This time, the researcher took option number 4 with rationalization, apart from being in accordance with the topic being discussed, there are times when technology is the most important role to be used to facilitate or ease human work or activities.

How about the results of the author’s research?

Let’s take a look at the results in https://www.behance.net/gallery/111712253/SMARTMONEY-FOR-STUDENT




Hi Introduce me yerikho ristian. I have a mission and dream to become an UI / UX Design in 2021. I just want to be true to my choice.